Preparing a Funeral
Preparing a funeral for a deceased loved one is an emotional experience for families and the desirability of celebrating a Funeral in the Parish Church of the deceased’s own community should not be underestimated. Your Priest will guide you through the process of preparing the liturgy, however the following will be of assistance when the funeral is to be celebrated at the Cathedral:
A Cathedral priest will be available to celebrate the funeral, if required. |
Gathering Hymn: Reception of the Body (The coffin is now received into the Church. In remembrance of the person’s Baptism the coffin is sprinkled with Holy Water and clothed with a white pall. Placing of other Christian symbols may also take place at this time) Welcome Priest Eulogy (if there is a Eulogy, it would normally take place here) Opening Prayer Priest LITURGY OF THE WORD
First Reading (Old Testament Reading) Family member or friend Responsorial Psalm (Sung if there is a choir/soloist or read) Second Reading (New Testament Reading) Family member or friend Gospel Acclamation (Sung if there is a choir/soloist or read) Gospel Priest Homily Priest Prayers of Intercession Family member or friend LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST
Preparation of the Gifts (Carried up by family member of friend) Eucharist Prayer Priest COMMUNION RITE
The Lord’s Prayer Sign of Peace Communion Hymn Reflection Hymn Prayer after Communion Priest FINAL COMMENDATION
Invitation to Prayer Priest Song of Farewell (could be sung or said) Prayer of Commendation Priest PROCESSION TO THE PLACE OF COMMITTAL
Prayer Priest Recessional Hymn |
Funeral Liturgy outside MassINTRODUCTORY RITES
Gathering Hymn: Reception of the Body (The coffin is now received into the Church. In remembrance of the person’s Baptism the coffin is sprinkled with Holy Water and clothed with a white pall. Placing of other Christian symbols may also take place at this time) Welcome Priest Eulogy (if there is a Eulogy, it would normally take place here) Opening Prayer Priest LITURGY OF THE WORD
First Reading (Old Testament Reading) Family member or friend Responsorial Psalm (Sung if there is a choir/soloist or read) Second Reading (New Testament Reading) Family member or friend Gospel Acclamation (Sung if there is a choir/soloist or read by family member or friend) Gospel Priest Homily Priest Prayers of Intercession Family member or friend The Lord's Prayer FINAL COMMENDATION
Invitation to Prayer Priest Song of Farewell (could be sung or said) Prayer of Commendation Priest PROCESSION TO THE PLACE OF COMMITTAL
Prayer Priest Recessional Hymn |